
(SIREN WAILING IN DISTANCE) 00:01:10.821 - 00:01:12.289
DRIVER: There's 100,000 streets in this city. 00:01:13.365 - 00:01:16.084
You don't need to know the route. 00:01:17.077 - 00:01:19.421
You give me a time and a place, 00:01:20.038 - 00:01:22.132
I give you a five-minute window. 00:01:22.207 - 00:01:24.460
Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. 00:01:25.168 - 00:01:28.968
No matter what. 00:01:29.047 - 00:01:30.594
Anything happens a minute either side of that 00:01:30.966 - 00:01:33.594
and you're on your own. 00:01:33.677 - 00:01:35.554
Do you understand? 00:01:36.179 - 00:01:37.897
Good. 00:01:41.852 - 00:01:42.978
And you won't be able to reach me on this phone again. 00:01:46.023 - 00:01:49.402
Hey, there you are! 00:02:21.308 - 00:02:23.106
She's down there. 00:02:23.393 - 00:02:25.145
Plain Jane Boring, just like you asked for, 00:02:25.395 - 00:02:27.693
but I dropped in 300 horses on the inside, 00:02:27.773 - 00:02:30.322
she is going to fly. 00:02:30.400 - 00:02:31.902
You look like a zombie, kid. 00:02:33.403 - 00:02:34.746
You getting any sleep? 00:02:34.821 - 00:02:36.619
Can I offer you some Benzedrine, Dexedrine, caffeine, nicotine? 00:02:36.698 - 00:02:41.420
Oh, you don't smoke. That's right. 00:02:41.495 - 00:02:43.168