
Would you please come with me, Sir? 00:04:53.601 - 00:04:55.432
Would you come with me, Sir? 00:04:58.601 - 00:05:00.273
Hands in front. 00:05:17.321 - 00:05:18.640
Hands behind your head. 00:05:28.641 - 00:05:30.074
Behind your head and turn around. 00:05:30.401 - 00:05:31.834
Open your mouth. Open your mouth. 00:05:32.081 - 00:05:34.037
Anything on the watch-list, George? 00:05:48.561 - 00:05:50.552
No flags. He's clean. 00:05:51.241 - 00:05:53.675
Okay. Mr. Khan, we are done here. 00:05:56.081 - 00:05:59.073
You can go. 00:06:01.321 - 00:06:02.436
Put your stuff in your bag. 00:06:04.321 - 00:06:05.390
Gone. lt's gone.. my last flight to Washington DC has left. 00:06:05.481 - 00:06:09.394
The last American Airlines flight has left. 00:06:10.201 - 00:06:12.192
The next flight leaves after seven hours and five minutes. 00:06:12.281 - 00:06:15.034
United 59. United.. United 59. 00:06:15.121 - 00:06:18.033
lt leaves in the morning at 6.10. Ticket $366.. it costs $366. 00:06:18.401 - 00:06:23.429
l don't have the money. 00:06:23.521 - 00:06:26.194
l have to take a bus to Washington DC now. 00:06:26.281 - 00:06:28.237
Okay. l have to take a bus to Washington DC now. 00:06:28.321 - 00:06:31.393
Why are you going to Washington DC? 00:06:31.481 - 00:06:33.517
l am going to meet the President of the United States. 00:06:34.041 - 00:06:37.272