
Subs by: Chaotyk... Support TPB!! 00:00:03.828 - 00:00:08.977
HERCULES 00:00:29.928 - 00:00:30.472
ARGOS SOUTHERN GREECE - 1200 BC 00:00:56.034 - 00:00:59.682
Wait! 00:01:47.814 - 00:01:48.921
Archers, wait! 00:01:57.861 - 00:01:59.387
Galen King of Argos! Introduce yourself! 00:02:06.087 - 00:02:09.293
My sword your account. 00:02:28.230 - 00:02:29.547
Winner takes all! 00:02:29.572 - 00:02:31.309
This city, or mine, this army, the riches... 00:02:31.688 - 00:02:35.358
the subjects .. everything! Do not die a single soldier more. 00:02:35.425 - 00:02:39.478
Well it could reset some of my men. 00:02:43.134 - 00:02:45.172
What is your response valent and pious King of Argos? 00:02:45.896 - 00:02:49.976
Accepts save these men? 00:02:50.000 - 00:02:51.555
King Anfitri�n, I accept the challenge. 00:02:51.821 - 00:02:55.148
Prepare to die! 00:02:56.351 - 00:02:57.842
� Anfitri�n! � Anfitri�n! 00:04:04.043 - 00:04:07.850
The invasion ends here for now. 00:04:30.151 - 00:04:32.103
Chiron told me that invaded Egypt because they attacked our ships. 00:04:32.429 - 00:04:35.947
It's true. 00:04:36.390 - 00:04:37.137
But Argos, our neighbor posed no threat. 00:04:37.138 - 00:04:39.406
I see you expanded your Quir�n curricula. 00:04:40.900 - 00:04:43.452