
- So, why do it? - 'Cause it's dangerous. 00:00:32.665 - 00:00:35.587
Like you can sprain a tit or something. 00:00:35.613 - 00:00:38.301
This is the most dangerous sport in American high school, bitch. 00:00:38.505 - 00:00:42.075
More dangerous than football? 00:00:42.076 - 00:00:44.277
More catastrophic injuries per student. 00:00:44.278 - 00:00:47.745
- How do I look? - Dangerous. 00:00:49.749 - 00:00:52.250
Duh. 00:00:52.919 - 00:00:54.386
Take me through a typical Thursday. 00:01:00.527 - 00:01:02.762
Well, first I get up at the ass crack for my run. 00:01:02.763 - 00:01:05.398
I mean, obviously staying in shape is a part of the gig. 00:01:05.399 - 00:01:08.234
It's called cheerleading. You know, I have to be a leader. 00:01:08.235 - 00:01:11.204
Oh, Marvin. 00:01:11.205 - 00:01:12.272
And diplomatic. 00:01:12.273 - 00:01:13.606
Proactive. 00:01:13.607 - 00:01:14.674
Seriously, hon. 00:01:14.675 - 00:01:16.409
Come to the realm, boys! 00:01:16.410 - 00:01:18.111
My bitches do not disappoint. 00:01:18.112 - 00:01:20.747
So why do you call yourselves bitches? 00:01:20.748 - 00:01:23.448
Blackfoot Bloodhounds, yo. 00:01:24.417 - 00:01:26.653
Boys be dogs, girls be bitches. Gangster. 00:01:26.654 - 00:01:30.222
Not now, Leena. 00:01:32.392 - 00:01:33.493