
Major. Hey, Major! 00:01:44.647 - 00:01:45.648
Major. Hey, Major! 00:01:45.648 - 00:01:47.275
l/I/hal' was that'? Virtual reality? 00:01:49.694 - 00:01:50.695
l/I/hal' was that'? Virtual reality? 00:01:50.695 - 00:01:52.071
/'n7 on vacation- Don '1' be so casual about entering my c yber lobby. 00:01:52.113 - 00:01:53.114
/'n7 on vacation- Don '1' be so casual about entering my c yber lobby. 00:01:53.114 - 00:01:54.115
/'n7 on vacation- Don '1' be so casual about entering my c yber lobby. 00:01:54.115 - 00:01:55.825
My condolences- There's been a terror/st' bombing in N/'sh/'nouchi. 00:01:55.908 - 00:01:56.909
My condolences- There's been a terror/st' bombing in N/'sh/'nouchi. 00:01:56.909 - 00:01:57.910
My condolences- There's been a terror/st' bombing in N/'sh/'nouchi. 00:01:57.910 - 00:01:59.662
The vies were an executive at a foreign-owned water company, 00:01:59.704 - 00:02:00.705
The vies were an executive at a foreign-owned water company, 00:02:00.705 - 00:02:02.248
a Trade Ministry official, and a domestic weapons manufacturer. 00:02:02.290 - 00:02:03.291
a Trade Ministry official, and a domestic weapons manufacturer. 00:02:03.291 - 00:02:04.292
a Trade Ministry official, and a domestic weapons manufacturer. 00:02:04.292 - 00:02:05.418
The top-priority entry in the terrorism prediction list 00:02:06.377 - 00:02:07.378
The top-priority entry in the terrorism prediction list 00:02:07.378 - 00:02:08.838
you gave Public Security was right on target. 00:02:08.880 - 00:02:09.881
you gave Public Security was right on target. 00:02:09.881 - 00:02:11.841
/ assume they were in a secret meeting to agree on water prices. 00:02:11.883 - 00:02:12.884
/ assume they were in a secret meeting to agree on water prices. 00:02:12.884 - 00:02:13.885