
[birds chirping] 00:00:03.475 - 00:00:06.375
[engine rumbling] 00:00:18.641 - 00:00:21.541
CLAIRE: Hey. 00:00:48.808 - 00:00:50.741
‐ Hey. 00:00:50.775 - 00:00:52.475
‐ Hey, Claire. 00:00:56.775 - 00:00:58.175
‐ Dad. 00:00:58.208 - 00:00:59.675
WYATT: Nate let me come along. I hope you don't mind. 00:00:59.708 - 00:01:02.075
‐ Let's just go. Okay? 00:01:06.575 - 00:01:08.475
[dramatic music] 00:01:08.508 - 00:01:11.475
♪ ♪ 00:01:11.508 - 00:01:18.375
[engine turns over] 00:01:23.541 - 00:01:25.741
♪ ♪ 00:01:25.775 - 00:01:32.708
[birds chirping] 00:02:00.375 - 00:02:03.275
WYATT: Well, I suppose I better get on back to the store. 00:02:08.708 - 00:02:11.041
NATE: All right. ‐ Tell the kids I said hi. 00:02:11.075 - 00:02:13.475
‐ Will do. They've been asking about you. 00:02:13.508 - 00:02:15.108
WYATT: [chuckles, sighs] 00:02:15.141 - 00:02:17.441
I know you're in a tough spot, 00:02:17.475 - 00:02:19.675
but you're gonna make it through it. 00:02:19.708 - 00:02:22.275
Trust me. I've been there. 00:02:22.308 - 00:02:24.041
Um, I know we ain't been close, 00:02:25.741 - 00:02:28.508