
[GASPS] 00:02:33.651 - 00:02:34.901
[BLOWING] 00:02:34.902 - 00:02:39.902
[GIGGLES] 00:02:41.993 - 00:02:43.535
[GIGGLES] 00:02:43.536 - 00:02:48.536
With the power vested in me by nobody in particular... 00:03:00.803 - 00:03:04.181
...I hereby crown you Princess Kuda, ruler of the seven seas. 00:03:04.182 - 00:03:09.182
[GIGGLES] 00:03:13.858 - 00:03:18.858
[SHELLS CLANGING] 00:03:35.713 - 00:03:38.799
[WHISTLING] 00:03:38.800 - 00:03:43.303
Oh, thank you. Thank you, my loyal subjects. 00:03:43.304 - 00:03:47.516
[LUMINA GIGGLES] 00:03:47.517 - 00:03:48.767
Ladies and jellyfish, let us celebrate my coronation... 00:03:48.768 - 00:03:53.271
...with a royal ball. 00:03:53.272 - 00:03:55.857
Let joy be unconfined! 00:03:55.858 - 00:03:59.027
May I have this dance, milady? 00:03:59.028 - 00:04:01.947
Charmed, I'm sure. 00:04:01.948 - 00:04:06.948
[CLANGING AND SQUEAKING] 00:04:07.078 - 00:04:12.078
[GIGGLES] 00:04:12.166 - 00:04:14.418
SCYLLA: Lumina? -Aah. 00:04:14.419 - 00:04:17.129
LUMINA: Uh-oh. -Aah! 00:04:17.130 - 00:04:22.130
Lumina? 00:04:28.141 - 00:04:31.143