
我出生的時候,我有一千條腿 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}When I was born, I had 1,000 legs{\r} 00:00:25.725 - 00:00:29.495
很快我在不同舞台跳舞 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}Soon I'll be dancing on a different stage{\r} 00:00:29.497 - 00:00:33.699
我要在絲繭裡睡覺 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}I'll go to sleep inside a silk cocoon{\r} 00:00:33.701 - 00:00:37.403
在下午重新誕生 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}And be reborn into the afternoon{\r} 00:00:37.405 - 00:00:41.340
唱的好,真他媽的好 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}Good singing! Really good shit!{\r} 00:00:41.342 - 00:00:43.542
- 你不可以罵髒話 – 我們現在在演戲 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}You're not supposed to curse. We're doing a play!{\r} 00:00:43.544 - 00:00:45.744
我只是說他媽的好而已 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}I'm just saying it's good shit.{\r} 00:00:45.746 - 00:00:47.713
內心深處,我知道我要走向另一個階段 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}Deep down, I know I have to turn the page{\r} 00:00:49.616 - 00:00:52.751
但是我懷疑 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}But I wonder{\r} 00:00:52.753 - 00:00:56.255
我會不會失去我的腿? {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}Will I miss my legs?{\r} 00:00:56.257 - 00:00:58.257
我從來沒有這麼驕傲過 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}I have never ever been so proud.{\r} 00:00:58.259 - 00:01:00.659
甜心,馬帝出場了,喔,看看他 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}Honey, there's Matty. Oh! Look at him.{\r} 00:01:05.132 - 00:01:07.833
喔,他真是個天生的演員 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}Oh, he's a natural performer.{\r} 00:01:09.102 - 00:01:10.636
喔 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}Oh.{\r} 00:01:17.177 - 00:01:18.844
該死 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}Shit!{\r} 00:01:18.846 - 00:01:19.845
我不想再唱了 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}I don't want to sing anymore.{\r} 00:01:22.849 - 00:01:24.009
看我的 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}Watch this.{\r} 00:01:26.386 - 00:01:27.719
好像不太對 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}That's different.{\r} 00:01:29.355 - 00:01:30.689
不,不,不 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}No, no, no.{\r} 00:01:30.691 - 00:01:31.723
來吧,來吧!我們離開這裡! {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}Come on, come on! Let's get out of here!{\r} 00:01:33.726 - 00:01:35.360
再見,狗娘養的 {\fn@Arial Unicode MS\fs14}Later, motherfuckers!{\r} 00:01:36.763 - 00:01:39.098