
- Gina, figlia mia... - They told me you were dying. 00:00:01.440 - 00:00:05.480
So, what happens now? 00:00:05.560 - 00:00:06.760
Absolutely nothing. 00:00:06.840 - 00:00:08.000
Why do you want to work here? 00:00:08.248 - 00:00:09.600
Leo was always a hero of mine. 00:00:09.680 - 00:00:11.320
My staff have worked their arses off to make this happen for you! 00:00:11.400 - 00:00:14.160
I just don't feel comfortable lying to people. 00:00:14.196 - 00:00:16.636
So, what does this arrangement make me? 00:00:16.672 - 00:00:18.143
It makes you part of our lives, on a trial basis. 00:00:18.179 - 00:00:21.659
You were under for several minutes. 00:00:22.080 - 00:00:23.760
What did you do? 00:00:23.840 - 00:00:25.320
LEO: There's a poem you often hear at funerals. 00:00:35.370 - 00:00:38.050
It talks about how on gravestones, you see two dates, 00:00:38.839 - 00:00:42.160
a beginning and an end with a tiny dash in between. 00:00:42.452 - 00:00:47.320
That dash represents everything you've ever done, 00:00:49.098 - 00:00:51.847
everywhere you've ever been. 00:00:52.215 - 00:00:54.255
Every breath, every kiss, every meal. 00:00:55.156 - 00:00:59.483
It all boils down to just one little dash. 00:01:00.482 - 00:01:05.362
So, when the past threatens the future, 00:01:36.964 - 00:01:39.320
you've got to face it head on 00:01:39.400 - 00:01:41.480
because time goes fast and before you know it, your dash will be gone. 00:01:41.685 - 00:01:46.805