
This will look good in your office. 00:00:45.845 - 00:00:48.006
What, take that thing on the train, like some kid who won at the 4-H? 00:00:49.315 - 00:00:52.648
Besides, no one wants to look like they care about awards. 00:00:54.187 - 00:00:58.055
But you do. 00:00:58.158 - 00:00:59.887
Isn't that sad? 00:01:02.962 - 00:01:04.122
Roger was very eloquent. 00:01:05.398 - 00:01:07.593
He likes to be recognized for selling. 00:01:09.736 - 00:01:13.069
Creative is less important. 00:01:13.173 - 00:01:15.664
Creative helps sell. 00:01:15.775 - 00:01:18.767
But he gave the speech. 00:01:18.878 - 00:01:20.675
Look at you in this tuxedo. 00:01:22.882 - 00:01:24.975
Say it for me. 00:01:26.920 - 00:01:28.911
Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Draper. 00:01:29.022 - 00:01:31.490
Enchanted. 00:01:31.591 - 00:01:33.115
Hey. 00:02:20.240 - 00:02:21.207
It's 8:00. 00:02:22.442 - 00:02:24.069
Shit. 00:02:26.779 - 00:02:28.041
Oh, my Lord. 00:02:31.951 - 00:02:33.248
Mommy, Mommy! Ethel's downstairs. 00:02:35.989 - 00:02:39.447
She's making us breakfast. 00:02:39.559 - 00:02:41.220
Sally, Mommy has a headache. 00:02:41.327 - 00:02:42.988