
[Music] 00:00:07.748 - 00:00:18.148
Hey, Sam, look. 00:00:18.151 - 00:00:19.752
I'm almost done with my banana man. 00:00:19.753 - 00:00:23.455
Ugh. 00:00:23.456 - 00:00:24.757
I'm busy trying to fix my chainsaw. 00:00:24.758 - 00:00:27.326
Hey, hand me an eight millimeter socket wrench. 00:00:27.327 - 00:00:29.695
I don't know what that is. 00:00:29.696 - 00:00:31.930
An eight millimeter socket wrench. 00:00:31.931 - 00:00:33.532
What's the matter with you? 00:00:33.533 - 00:00:34.700
I'm five. 00:00:34.701 - 00:00:38.604
Ugh. 00:00:38.605 - 00:00:39.438
[Gasps] 00:00:39.439 - 00:00:42.875
Goomer just fell down on the patio. 00:00:42.876 - 00:00:45.110
Come on. 00:00:45.111 - 00:00:45.978
Here, hold my chainsaw. 00:00:45.979 - 00:00:52.251
Goomer, what's wrong? 00:00:52.252 - 00:00:53.552
[Groans] 00:00:53.553 - 00:00:56.688
Goomer, come on, get up. 00:00:56.689 - 00:01:00.325
Are you sick? 00:01:00.326 - 00:01:01.427
I don't want to talk about it. 00:01:01.428 - 00:01:04.129
Okay, bye. 00:01:04.130 - 00:01:07.366