
You sure picked a spooky day to go boating, Freddy. 00:01:28.773 - 00:01:32.049
lt didn't start out that way. What could have happened? 00:01:32.213 - 00:01:35.205
lt's very simple. When the barometric pressure dropped. . . 00:01:35.373 - 00:01:38.729
. . .and warm air came in contact with an inland cold front. . . 00:01:38.893 - 00:01:42.249
. . .we ran into some unnavigable nubilation. 00:01:42.413 - 00:01:44.643
You're right, Velma, whatever you said. 00:01:44.813 - 00:01:47.281
-l said, we're lost in a fog. -You buzzed? 00:01:47.453 - 00:01:50.923
No, Shaggy. Go back to sleep. 00:01:51.093 - 00:01:53.368
Sleep, nothing. l'm fixing me a super Shaggy sandwich. 00:01:53.573 - 00:01:57.532
Like, wow, my favorite: 00:01:58.933 - 00:02:01.208
A double-triple-decker sardine and marshmallow-fudge sandwich. 00:02:01.373 - 00:02:05.332
Open the mouth, between the gums. Look out, stomach. Here it comes. 00:02:05.533 - 00:02:11.403
Well, at least you left me the olive. 00:02:13.253 - 00:02:16.370
With him around, l can't even get a bite in edgewise. 00:02:18.533 - 00:02:22.367
-Now what happened? -Looks like we've run aground. 00:02:23.533 - 00:02:26.206
-Yeah, but, like, where? -Well, if l'm not mistaken. . . 00:02:26.413 - 00:02:29.883
. . .it looks like we're stuck on Haunted lsle. 00:02:30.093 - 00:02:32.971
l'm sorry l asked. 00:02:33.173 - 00:02:34.401
The old Vasquez Castle's on this island. Maybe we can find help there. 00:02:34.573 - 00:02:39.442
-This sure is a creepy place. -Yeah, a regular gruesome camp. 00:02:41.253 - 00:02:46.327
Like, what's with Scooby-Doo? 00:03:21.333 - 00:03:22.971