
In Italy to be defined as a drug 00:01:13.225 - 00:01:15.015
a substance has to be on the Ministry of Health's illegal molecules list. 00:01:15.225 - 00:01:18.807
Cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, methadone, ecstasy, 00:01:19.016 - 00:01:21.724
and more or less 200 other molecules make up that list. 00:01:21.933 - 00:01:24.765
If a molecule isn't on that list, 00:01:25.350 - 00:01:27.182
then you can make it, take it, but, above all, you can sell it. 00:01:27.350 - 00:01:31.974
I graduated in biology at the age of 24 with top marks, 00:01:32.308 - 00:01:35.849
I have a master's in computational neuroscience 00:01:36.058 - 00:01:37.890
and another in molecular dynamics. 00:01:38.100 - 00:01:39.557
In the last few months I've set up a gang 00:01:40.225 - 00:01:41.974
that runs a business worth hundreds of thousands of euros 00:01:42.183 - 00:01:44.932
I've been accused of producing and pushing drugs, armed robbery, 00:01:45.141 - 00:01:48.349
kidnap and attempted homicide. 00:01:48.600 - 00:01:51.015
My name is Pietro Zinni, and I'm a university researcher. 00:01:51.225 - 00:01:56.224
I CAN QUIT ANYTIME I WANT 00:02:00.016 - 00:02:03.015
4 MONTHS BEFORE 00:03:11.433 - 00:03:16.807
...with particular reference to current molecular docking software, 00:03:17.225 - 00:03:20.932
often based on long and, in our opinion, 00:03:21.141 - 00:03:23.932
unreliable phases of elaboration of the Katchalski-Katzir algorithm. 00:03:24.141 - 00:03:28.765
Our aim instead is to obtain a result that is much more immediate 00:03:28.975 - 00:03:32.349
and much more precise. And that is why we are asking 00:03:32.600 - 00:03:35.599