
- Ric. Ric! - I need them to see you finish. We both do. 00:00:02.000 - 00:00:04.800
I'm arresting you on suspicion of assault. 00:00:05.000 - 00:00:06.880
This is a huge mistake. 00:00:07.080 - 00:00:08.600
I don't know how to do this. 00:00:08.800 - 00:00:10.440
I don't know where to start. 00:00:10.640 - 00:00:12.280
SHE SOBS 00:00:12.480 - 00:00:14.320
You start with us. 00:00:15.440 - 00:00:16.400
You can take away flowers and candles, 00:00:16.600 - 00:00:18.800
but nobody can take away a legacy. 00:00:19.000 - 00:00:21.020
You'd better get away from me, Danny. 00:00:21.220 - 00:00:23.240
Today, Ms Naylor, I will be playing the part of your surgeon. 00:00:24.480 - 00:00:28.280
SIREN WAILS 00:01:07.600 - 00:01:09.640
SHE TAKES A DEEP BREATH 00:01:33.760 - 00:01:35.800
SHE EXHALES 00:01:53.280 - 00:01:55.320
- Hey. - Hey. 00:02:09.320 - 00:02:11.040
So, how are you doing today? 00:02:12.960 - 00:02:14.920
Better, I thought, until I got this. 00:02:15.120 - 00:02:21.560
It's Raf's inheritance. 00:02:26.960 - 00:02:28.760
I don't know when he had time to write the will, 00:02:28.960 - 00:02:33.120
but he's left me the lion's share. 00:02:33.320 - 00:02:36.160
So, how much are we talking? 00:02:36.360 - 00:02:37.600