
Pam. Pamela. Pam-elama-ding-dong. 00:00:32.402 - 00:00:36.099
- Making copies. - I'm not making any copies. 00:00:36.139 - 00:00:39.370
Let's go. Messages. Stat. 00:00:39.409 - 00:00:41.900
Lots to do, lots to do. Information superhighway. 00:00:41.945 - 00:00:44.539
- Nothing new. - Lay them on moi. What? 00:00:44.581 - 00:00:46.515
- There's nothing new. - That's not what you said earlier. 00:00:46.549 - 00:00:49.541
Do you want me to repeat the messages that I gave you before for the... 00:00:49.586 - 00:00:53.784
The most sacred thing I do is care and provide for my workers, my family. 00:00:57.560 - 00:01:02.691
I give them money. I give them food. 00:01:02.732 - 00:01:06.930
Not directly, but through the money. 00:01:06.970 - 00:01:09.370
I heal them. 00:01:09.406 - 00:01:12.933
Today, I am in charge of picking a great new health care plan. 00:01:12.976 - 00:01:17.504
Right? That's what this is all about. 00:01:17.547 - 00:01:19.947
Does that make me their doctor? Um... 00:01:21.985 - 00:01:25.318
Yes, in a way. 00:01:27.056 - 00:01:30.150
Yeah. Like a specialist. 00:01:30.193 - 00:01:32.423
So, which health plan have you decided on? 00:01:35.598 - 00:01:38.123
I am going to go with the best, Jan. 00:01:38.168 - 00:01:40.102
I am going to go with the one with the acupuncture, 00:01:40.136 - 00:01:44.038
therapeutic massage, the works. 00:01:44.073 - 00:01:47.099
None of the plans have acupuncture. Have you looked at them closely? 00:01:47.143 - 00:01:51.409