
We have killed babylonians! 00:00:56.139 - 00:00:58.551
We have killed mesopotamians! 00:01:01.645 - 00:01:04.512
We have killed assyrians, 00:01:06.650 - 00:01:08.766
mycenaeans, sumerians. 00:01:09.236 - 00:01:12.444
But 00:01:13.282 - 00:01:14.738
we have never had the pleasure 00:01:16.410 - 00:01:19.402
of killing 00:01:20.747 - 00:01:22.487
an akkadian. 00:01:23.458 - 00:01:24.868
Which limb do I take first? 00:01:31.592 - 00:01:33.708
May the gods have pity on you 00:01:36.555 - 00:01:38.796
because my brother will not. 00:01:40.309 - 00:01:43.551
Boo. 00:02:13.717 - 00:02:14.832
You missed. 00:03:19.574 - 00:03:20.984
You're lucky we have the same mother. 00:03:37.259 - 00:03:39.841
Narrator: Before the time of the pyramids a fearsome horde came from the east 00:03:48.478 - 00:03:53.347
and swept across the barren lands of the ancient world. 00:03:53.442 - 00:03:56.775
By the law of the horde 00:04:08.039 - 00:04:09.995
their greatest warrior was proclaimed their king. 00:04:10.041 - 00:04:13.204
His name was memnon. 00:04:16.840 - 00:04:19.547
He was the greatest swordsman the world had ever seen. 00:04:21.094 - 00:04:24.507
With the predictions of a sorcerer 00:04:44.868 - 00:04:47.325