
Zasnovano na istinitoj priči 00:00:15.903 - 00:00:18.329
PRILIKA XX 00:00:22.103 - 00:00:26.329
God rest ye merry gentlemen let nothing you dismay 00:00:27.903 - 00:00:32.329
Remember Christ our saviour was born on Christmas Day 00:00:32.533 - 00:00:36.788
Pst! Previše si glasan. 00:00:37.329 - 00:00:39.423
When we were gone astray 00:00:39.581 - 00:00:40.924
O tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy 00:00:41.083 - 00:00:45.429
O tidings of comfort and joy 00:00:45.587 - 00:00:49.808
"Fear not then," said the angel "Let nothing you affright 00:00:50.509 - 00:00:54.605
"This day is born a saviour of a pure virgin bright 00:00:54.763 - 00:00:58.768
"To free all those who trust in him from Satan's power and..." 00:00:58.934 - 00:01:01.374
Dečak, star devet godina. Moguća ruptura bubne opne. 00:01:03.772 - 00:01:06.571
Zove se Pol. 00:01:06.942 - 00:01:08.615
Vi ste mu roditelji? - Jesmo. 00:01:08.944 - 00:01:10.446
- I need to get some basic information. - Biće sve u redu. 00:01:10.612 - 00:01:13.786
Znači, zove se Pol. Prezime, molim vas. 00:01:13.949 - 00:01:15.872
Pots. P-O- duplo T-S. - Pol Pot. 00:01:16.034 - 00:01:18.457
Kao onaj diktator iz Kambodže? - Uopšte nije kao diktator iz Kambodže. 00:01:18.620 - 00:01:22.875
Kad se to desilo? 00:01:24.042 - 00:01:25.562
Pre oko sat vremena. Onesvestio se na probi hora. 00:01:25.627 - 00:01:28.221
Pravo je čudo, da i nama nije probio bubne opne sa onom drekom. 00:01:28.380 - 00:01:31.930