
♪ Love letters straight from your heart 00:00:12.750 - 00:00:19.430
♪ Keep us so near while apart 00:00:24.110 - 00:00:30.710
♪ I'm not alone in the night 00:00:35.710 - 00:00:42.870
♪ When I can have 00:00:47.430 - 00:00:50.470
♪ All the love you write ♪ 00:00:50.590 - 00:00:55.909
♪ All the love you write ♪ 00:00:55.910 - 00:00:57.230
How are you, Jerry? 00:01:35.070 - 00:01:37.030
Oi! How many times have I told you, you stupid Dutch slag?! 00:01:49.710 - 00:01:52.950
Don't do that stuff without us hearing about it. 00:01:55.110 - 00:01:59.390
What's going on? 00:01:59.710 - 00:02:00.710
They were doing a dolly. One snogs him while the other nicks his wallet 00:02:00.750 - 00:02:05.709
Michael's waiting upstairs. 00:02:05.710 - 00:02:08.390
I'll deal with it. 00:02:08.550 - 00:02:10.510
How long can we keep this up? 00:02:23.350 - 00:02:25.110
As long as they think I'm spending time with you. 00:02:25.270 - 00:02:29.629
I forget what we're meant to be doing. 00:02:29.630 - 00:02:32.989
Has he tried... 00:02:32.990 - 00:02:33.870
No! 00:02:33.990 - 00:02:35.629
It's been months. Drop your drawers and get on with it. 00:02:35.630 - 00:02:40.309
He'll have no balls left if Mickey finds out. 00:02:40.310 - 00:02:42.550
I'm waiting till I'm married. 00:02:42.670 - 00:02:45.229