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聚焦 Movie


Original title: Spotlight

“聚焦(Spotlight)”是波士顿环球报的一个专栏,罗比·罗宾森(迈克尔·基顿饰)是"聚焦"栏目的编辑,栏目拥有一个独立的调查小组,组员包括萨夏·菲弗(瑞秋·麦克亚当斯饰),迈克尔(马克·鲁弗洛饰),马特·卡罗尔(布莱恩·达西·詹姆斯饰)。当马蒂·巴伦(列维·施瑞博尔饰)接替了环球报的总编辑一职,他开始指派罗宾森和他的团队,紧跟一桩被雪藏已久的案件,一个天主教牧师性骚扰教区里的孩子。虽然最开始他们以为这只是个小任务,但很快他们就发现,其背后还隐藏一系列事件,涉及了上百名受害者,而教会已经私下赔偿了受害者,并派人掩盖了这些罪行。随着调查的越发深入,他们发现这一阴谋的更多证据,不仅仅是神职人员,就在波士顿以外,甚至全世界,都在上演着这种暴行。罗宾森和他的团队遭遇到了当地官员们的掣肘。教会内的,教会外的势力都在向他们施压,想让他们放弃这个案件。 themoviedb



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  • sumeshms06 @
    KevShan @
    For sake of the widow's son, a British counterpart to UCLA's "Freemasonry and Civil Society" program actually got underway at University of Sheffield in South Yorkshire which is why knowing the facts, and how and why they are determined, allows me to present an objective opinion or conclusion regarding films. The subtitles were satisfactory on "Spotlight" but on many other films, they are unacceptable, not accurate or in sync with scenes, and are disappointing. But, records are kept by me and will, in a kind and scholarly manner, be presented hoping to better the viewing/understanding pleasure for others. Thank you kindly.
    KevShan @
    I will continue to comment. Thank you kindly.

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